Classic AUTOSAR, or simply AUTOSAR, refers to a standardized software architecture and methodology designed for the development of embedded software in automotive electronic control units (ECUs). It is a set of specifications developed by a consortium of automotive industry players to establish common standards, ensuring interoperability, scalability, and reusability of software components across different vehicle platforms.

Key features and aspects of Classic AUTOSAR include:

  1. Layered Software Architecture: AUTOSAR defines a layered architecture comprising three main layers: Application Layer (APPL), Runtime Environment (RTE), and Basic Software (BSW). This structure provides a modular and scalable framework for software development.
  2. Communication and Network Protocols: Classic AUTOSAR supports various communication protocols, including the Controller Area Network (CAN), FlexRay, and LIN (Local Interconnect Network). These protocols facilitate communication between ECUs within a vehicle.
  3. Standardized Interfaces: AUTOSAR defines standardized interfaces between software components, enabling seamless integration and interoperability. This standardization allows for the exchange of software modules between different ECUs and facilitates collaborative development among different suppliers.
  4. Portability and Reusability: The AUTOSAR standard emphasizes portability and reusability of software components. This means that software developed for one ECU can be easily adapted and reused on another ECU or in a different vehicle model.
  5. Configuration and Parameterization: AUTOSAR introduces standardized methods for configuring and parameterizing software components. This helps in tailoring software behavior to specific vehicle configurations or requirements.
  6. Tooling and Methodology: The AUTOSAR standard includes guidelines and recommendations for development processes, methodologies, and tooling. These guidelines are intended to streamline the development workflow and enhance collaboration between different stakeholders in the automotive industry.

Classic AUTOSAR is well-suited for traditional automotive ECUs, providing a structured approach to software development and enabling efficient collaboration among various automotive stakeholders, including OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and suppliers. As the automotive industry evolves, there has been an extension of AUTOSAR called Adaptive AUTOSAR, which is designed for more advanced and connected vehicle architectures.